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Business 307c

Resources on Company and Marketing research to help with your Individual Assignment #2 along with other research assignments for this class and beyond.

Why we Cite

Citations allow you to:

  • Find further information on your topic
  • Build the authority of your argument with ideas from numerous sources
  • Be a responsible researcher and avoid plagiarism 

When To Cite

Any time you write something that did not 100% come from your own brain, you need to site where you got the information. This means you will include a citation anytime you use some else's words or ideas in your own work. Including:

  • Direct quotes- full sentences or phrases expressing an idea
  • Paraphrases- when you put someone's ideas into your own words (do not use quotations)
  • Words or terminology specifically related to the author's ideas
  • An author's line of argument or point of view
  • Historical, statistical, or scientific facts. 
  • Graphs, drawings, or images. 

You do not need to document:

  • Proverbs, axioms, or well know phrases. 
  • Common knowledge
  • If you are not sure, it is better to over cite and under cite. 

APA Citation Style

In-text Citations

Direct citations mentioning the source

John Fontana and Elizabeth Montalbano (2008) point out, “the market for these low-cost machines is being driven by inexpensive bandwidth; the growth of services and cloud computing; and cloud-based processing, storage, management and associated IT services”(p. 12).

Direct citations not mentioning the source

"The market for these low-cost machines is being driven by inexpensive bandwidth; the growth of services and cloud computing; and cloud-based processing, storage, management, and associated IT services” (Fontana & Montalbano, 2008, p. 12).

Paraphrase mentioning the source

John Fontana and Elizabeth Montalbano (2008) note that low priced Netbooks are gaining share because of the relatively cheap Internet access capable of downloading large files; the wealth of Internet-based applications; and the ability for files to be created, produced, stored and administered on Internet hosted sites.

Paraphrase not mentioning source

Low priced Netbooks are gaining market share because of relatively cheap Internet access capable of downloading large files; the wealth of Internet-based applications; and the ability for files to be created, produced, stored and administered on Internet hosted sites (Fontana & Montalbano, 2008).

Reference List


Grupo Bimbo brand makes UK debut. (2017). British Baker. p. 12-13. Retrieved from Business Source Complete.

Company Profiles

S&P Global Market Intelligence (n.d.). Apple Inc. [Public Company Profile] Retrieved from Standard and Poor's Capital IQ.  

Annual Reports

Grupo Bimbo, S.A.B. DE C.V. (2016, Dec 31).  Annual Report 2016 Retrieved from Standard and Poor's Capital IQ.   

Industry reports

IBISWorld. (2018, Dec). IBISWorld Industry Report 31181: Bread Production in the US. Retrieved from IBISWorld. 


Apple Inc. (2018, Nov. 5). Form 10-K. Fiscal year ended September 29, 2018. Retrieved from  Standard and Poor's Capital IQ.    


Bimbo Bakeries USA (n.d.).  About Us. Retrieved from

SEC Filings

Apple Inc. (2019, Jun 29). Form 10-Q. Retrieved from Standard and Poor's Capital IQ.