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Research Help

Your librarians are prepared to help you with every step of the research process from picking a paper topic to finding resources to assisting with source citations. See below for all the different ways you can get assistance.

Make an Appointment

Though we don't hold official office hours like faculty, we do set up one-on-one appointments for those who'd like more individualized attention and less risk of interruption when asking for help. Appointments are held in the librarians' offices and can be set up by contacting the librarian you'd like to work with directly by phone or email.

Not sure who you need to work with? Check our list of librarians.

Drop In

During the hours below, you can visit the Library Help Desk in the Slocum Reading Room. It's a great option if you don't have time to make a formal appointment with a librarian. Student staff can help connect you to the librarian on call or help you make an appointment for a future time. 


Slocum 201 Monday - Friday  1pm - 4pm


Remember, it is our job to help you - so don't hesitate to ask a question or several!

Contact Us

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740-368-3271 (Hobson)

Today's Hours