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Policies and Guidelines

Circulating Materials

Circulation Policy

Interlibrary Loan

Collection Development

Click through below for information on how OWU selects, purchases, and retains resources for its collections:

Collection Management Guide

Government Documents

As a federal depository library, we offer free, public access to online Federal Government information disseminated through the Federal Depository Library Program to the campus community and the general public. Services for electronic products and online materials are provided under the same principle of free access that governs the use of traditional depository materials, according to Section 1911 of Title 44, United States Code.

Five Colleges of Ohio Access Policy


Five Colleges of Ohio Collection Development Policy


Public Service Guidelines for Federal Government Information in Electronic and Online Formats


Locating Government Documents

Using Media Services

Media, software, equipment, facilities, and services are offered to support programs of instruction and research. AV Resources are restricted to Ohio Wesleyan University students, faculty, and staff for purposes of teaching, learning, and investigation. Library registration and current Ohio Wesleyan University identification are required to check out presentation equipment and media.

Reservations for equipment, media or services must be made at least 10 days prior to the intended use date to guarantee availability.

Commercial media has been licensed for educational use providing for classroom instruction and enrichment. The collection may not be used for purposes of public display or entertainment unless a performance license has been obtained. In checking out an item from the media collection, the borrower assumes responsibility for using it in accordance with OWU’s licensing agreement and U.S. copyright law.

More information on Media Services

Terms of use for licensed materials

Authorized users of both print and electronic library materials under copyright (aka "licensed materials") at Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries are subject to the following terms of use:

  • They will comply with all applicable copyright and fair use provisions in using licensed materials;
  • They will respect the intellectual property rights of creators or licensors by citing material incorporated into scholarly projects.

See also: 

Printing at the libraries