Books relating to Sociology and Anthropology will be on the second floor of Beeghly Library. If you like browsing, try these call number areas:
GN - Anthropology
49-298...........Physical anthropology. Somatology
62.8-265........Human variation (Including growth, physical form, skeleton, nervous system, skin, etc
269-279.........Race (General)
280.7...........Man as an animal. Simian traits versus human traits
281-289.........Human evolution
301-674..........Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology
357-367.........Culture and cultural processes
406-517.........Cultural traits, customs, and institutions
406-442........Technology. Material culture
448-450.8......Economic organization. Economic anthropology
478-491.7......Social organization
492-495.2......Political organization. Political anthropology
502-517........Psychological anthropology
537-674.........Ethnic groups and races
700-890..........Prehistoric archaeology
HM - Sociology
435-477..........History of sociology. History of sociological theory
481-554..........Theory. Method. Relations to other subjects
661-696..........Social control
701..............Social systems
711-806..........Groups and organizations
786-806.........Organizational sociology. Organization theory
811-821..........Deviant behavior. Social deviance
831-901..........Social change
1001-1281........Social psychology
1041-1101.......Social perception. Social cognition
1106-1171.......Interpersonal relations. Social behavior
1176-1281.......Social influence. Social pressure
Below are some examples of books that you will find in the stacks of Beeghly Library. If there's something specific you're looking for, ask your librarian!
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Delaware, OH 43015 |
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