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Printing a Document

To print your document, choose the area that you would like to print using the green adjustable box. After you have made your selection, click the "Output" tab and choose the icon that says "Printer #1"

Type in your OWU username and password to pay for your prints. The cost is .10 per page. 

Saving a Document


Scan to Drive - To save a document, go to the "Output" tab. Press "Scan to Drive #1" This will save your document to a folder on the desktop called "My Scans." You can then email the document to yourself or save it to a USB drive. 

Scan to Mergeclips

Scan to MergeClips - MergeClips allows you to arrange multiple cropped areas on the same page. This is especially useful if you need to print multiple short articles, and would like it all to be on one page.