Brainstorm - Thinking through all of your ideas before deciding what route you want to take your research will help produce a more defined research topic.
Need help brainstorming? Check out Credo's Mind Map. Just enter a few keywords into the search bar to find other related keywords. Clicking on those keywords will open to a reference source for you to learn more about the topics
Talking about your ideas with your classmates is another great way to look at your topic from a different angle.
Watch the news - Even if the topics discussed in your class are not in the news, paying attention to what is happening in the world might help you come up with a new way to approach your topic that is relevant to you. The Library has access to many newspapers across the US.
Read through your class notes - Is there a topic that was covered weeks ago that you want to learn more about? Writing a paper about the topic is a great way to become an authority on the subject.
Look through reference articles about a general topic you are interested in.