This database provides complete coverage of multidisciplinary, full-text academic journals. Includes peer-reviewed journals, full-text periodicals, reports, books, and much more.
Full-text access to the back issues of scholarly journals as well as ebooks in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, some of which date back to the 1800s. Supports such disciplines as biological sciences, business and economics, education, history, language and literature, mathematics and statistics, music, political sciences and sociology.
*Please note that issues from the last 3 to 5 years for the majority of JSTOR's journals are not available.
Includes the full text of more than 7000 online research journals covering many subject areas.
Offers comprehensive coverage of sociology, encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. It features more than 2.1 million records with subject headings from a 20,000+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and lexicographers and contains abstracts for more than 1,300 "core" coverage journals dating as far back as 1895.
Covers all areas of sociology, including social behavior, human tendencies, interaction, relationships, community development, culture and social structure.
Abstracts the world's most significant professional literature in psychology and its applications.
Covers essential areas related to criminal justice, corrections, and criminology.
Combines the Women's Studies International and Men's Studies databases with the coverage of sexual diversity issues.
A comprehensive database covering the world's literature on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues. LGBTQ+ Life contains indexing and abstracts for hundreds of LGBTQ+-specific core periodicals, books and reference works.
Covers the core disciplines in women’s studies to the latest scholarship in feminist research. Nearly 800 essential sources include: journals, newspapers, newsletters, bulletins, books, book chapters, proceedings, reports, theses, dissertations, NGO studies, web sites & web documents, and grey literature.
Includes journals in communication, mass media, and other closely-related fields of study.
Contains full text from the world's top management and marketing journals and also includes many leading journals in the areas of economics, finance, and accounting, as well as country economic reports.
Includes coverage of over 400 major journals as well as articles in collective volumes (essays, proceedings, etc.), books, book reviews, and dissertations.
Covers applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more.
Provides citations to journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audio-visual materials, and technical reports. Encompasses all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines including plant and animal sciences, forestry, entomology, soil and water resources, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, agricultural products, alternative farming practices, and food and nutrition.
Provides legal, news, and business information from 15,000 of the best business, news, and legal sources available.
A collection of respected, scholarly peer-reviewed publications including law journals, documents, and case studies. This database is an authoritative source for information on current issues, studies, thoughts and trends of the legal world.
Containing publications from the Commission on Civil Rights, legislative histories on landmark legislation, briefs from relevant U.S. Supreme Court cases, and more, this database covers civil rights in the United States as their legal protections and definitions are expanded to cover more and more Americans.
Comprehensive research database provides full text for hundreds of nursing and allied health journals.
Provides over 500 scholarly full-text journals focusing on many medical disciplines.
A comprehensive source of full text for medical journals.