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SOAN 357

Why we Cite

Citations allow you to:

  • Allow your readers to find further information on your topic
  • Build the authority of your argument with ideas from numerous sources
  • Be a responsible researcher and avoid plagiarism 
  • When To Cite

    Any time you write something that did not 100% come from your own brain, you need to site where you got the information. This means you will include a citation anytime you use some else's words or ideas in your own work. Including:

    • Direct quotes- full sentences or phrases expressing an idea
    • Paraphrases- when you put someone's ideas into your own words (do not use quotations)
    • Words or terminology specifically related to the author's ideas
    • An author's line of argument or point of view
    • Historical, statistical, or scientific facts. 
    • Graphs, drawings, or images. 

    You do not need to document:

    • Proverbs, axioms, or well know phrases. 
    • Common knowledge
    • If you are not sure, it is better to over cite and under cite. 

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    MLA (Modern Language Association)