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SOAN 300.8 - Community Based Research Project


The following pages include links to different types of sources that will help you find information relevant to the case that you are working on. This list is in no way exhaustive. As you explore the resource, keep in mind how you can use the different types of information. 

  • Government Resources - Resources on official U.S. immigration policy and statistics gathered on U.S. immigration. 
  • Non-Governmental Organizations- These organizations work with immigrant populations across the globe. The focus of each will vary by the mission of the organization, but they are generally from the perspective of immigration advocates. 
  • News - News reports are the most likely places that you will find pieces of the STORY of what is happening in the country of origins. 
  • Academic Reports - These articles will be included the library databases. Keep in mind that scholarly articles can take months to years to write. There may not be specific studies on the specifics of your case. However, you can find scholarly experts' findings on similar situations. These examples could be within the same country of origins or share similar conditions. 

Background Research

Country Reports

  • From a US business lens
  •  Search for company and limit your search to "Country Reports". 

Reference Sources

Information Cycle

Information is created through a process. The type of information that you encounter within days of an event will be different than the type of information included in sources written months or years after the event has occurred. 

General Search


Search the OWU Libraries' catalog for books and media in both print and electronic formats