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COMM 210: Public Speaking

To assist you in your research for assigned speeches.


Summon is a library search tool that lets you search across the majority of the library's resources including books in CONSORT, full-text articles from academic databases, media, ebooks, and lots more from a single search box.

Can't find what you need? Request an item through Interlibrary Loan.

Keyword Searching

Keyword searches look for the words you provide, in any order, and in any text available in the database it's searching.

 Think about what you need to find, and select the most important terms:

  • All or part of a title
  • Person names -- including author of or subject of the work you're looking for.
  • Place names -- including geographical region or institution name.
  • Concept terms -- this can include everyday language or jargon in the field

You can enter in your keywords in the search box for Summon, CONSORT, or your database of choice. Here's a Summon keyword search: 

Search results for: new media mcluhan


Phrase Searching

You can also put names or phrases in quotation marks to search for that phrase -- those precise words, in that order -- in the catalog or database: 

Search results for: "new media"  


Advanced Search

Advanced search options allow you to build search strings using Boolean connectors like AND, OR, and NOT. You can also add filters such as format type and location to narrow the search even more. 

Summon Advanced Search
CONSORT Advanced Search
EBSCO Search