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Quick Copy

  1. Click the "Z" icon.
  2. Select items you want to include and drag them into your Word, Google, or other documents. Zotero will automatically create a formatted bibliography for you. For in-text citations, make sure you hold down Shift at the start of the drag.

Right Click

  1. Click the "Z" icon.
  2. Click to select the item you want to include in the bibliography. (Hold the "control" key and click to select multiple items)
  3. "Right-click" and choose Create Bibliography.
  4. Choose the bibliographic style you want, and select the output format: Save as RTF or HTML, copy to clipboard, or print.

Doc Plugins

Zotero offers word processor plugins for Word, Open Office,and Google Docs. These are automatically installed with the Zotero desktop client file. These easy-to-use plugins allow you to create bibliographies by inserting a new in-text citation in your manuscript, and the bibliography will be automatically updated to include the cited item.