APA - American Philological Association
AIA - Archaeological Institute of America
ACSA - The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
ICCS - Rome - The Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome
CAMWS - The Classical Association of the Middle West and South
OCC - The Ohio Classical Conference
CYA - College Year in Athens
KIRKE (general guide) German site of recommended Internet Resources, including conferences, recommended books, informational web sites, etc. You may need to go to a web site translator like Google Translate to translate links from the main page.
Perseus Project (archaeology & latin texts) The Perseus Digital Library. Known for its collections of openly accessible material culture items and texts from the Greek and Roman worlds.They also feature links to recommended web sites and exhibits.
The Latin Library (latin texts) Collection of Latin texts though by no means as authoritative as the texts found in the Perseus Project. For serious research the texts from the Perseus Project are recommended.
BMCR (book reviews) Bryn Mawr Classical Review. Reviews scholarly work in the classics field.
HISTOS (open access journal) Issues of the Electronic Journal Of Ancient Historiography At The University Of Durham
Ancient World Mapping Center (maps) Center at the University of North Carolina that "promotes cartography, historical geography, and geographic information science as essential disciplines within the field of ancient studies."
90 South Henry Street | P 740-368-3271 |
Ohio Wesleyan University | E libraries@owu.edu |
Delaware, OH 43015 |
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