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Digital Commons @ OWU

What to Submit to Digital Commons @ OWU

Student scholarship eligible for submission to Digital Commons @ OWU must fall into at least one of the following categories:

Student Submissions

What you do:

  • Work with your Faculty Mentor/Advisor to determine content for publication to the Repository.
  • Email a copy of your work (if possible) and project information to or use the applicable form above.
  • Works to be considered for publication to Digital Commons @ OWU must each include a completed Submission Agreement and require faculty or mentor endorsement.

What we do for you:

  • Upload permitted material to Digital Commons @ OWU.  Access is provided in the form of a downloadable PDF file (or other suitable access formats when applicable).
    • Permission for images, charts, and other materials incorporated into the paper are the responsibility of the author.
    • Compliance with the IRB is the responsibility of the author.