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FREN 351 - Cusato


What is Credo Reference?

Think of Credo like an academic Wikipedia. Like Wikipedia, it is focused on background research and serves as a tertiary source. Unlike Wikipedia, it pulls from a collection of professionally made Encyclopedias from around the world and offers you discrete entries from each.

Strengths of Credo

  • Entries in Credo have been written and edited by professionals.
    • There may still be mistakes, but they will be rare. Outright fabrications will be even less common.
  • Entries in Credo are stable.
    • Because they pull from professionally written sources, there is no back-and-forth on controversial topics, nor is there any page vandalism.
  • Entries in Credo pull from academic sources.
    • They will often provide a specific and explicit scholarly lens through which to view the information.
  • Entries in Credo come with an auto-cite in MLA, APA, and other popular formats.
  • Some entries in Credo will provide a 'Further Reading' section that recommends academic articles or books that go into more depth on the topic.

Weaknesses of Credo

  • Credo pulls from published encyclopedias.
    • Academic publishing of any sort is slow to update. Recent information or discoveries may not be reflected in the entries, or may be buried under older information.
  • Sources in Credo go through a professional editing and review process that depends heavily on academic credentials.
    • Historically, this process marginalized points-of-view from many different groups, including women and people of color.
  • Sources in Credo often reflect a singular viewpoint.
    • Because many sources were written by a single person or small group and passed through one editorial organization, you cannot see the conversations and the push-pull that went into the 'finished' product.
  • Some sources in Credo do not provide citations.
  • Almost all Credo resources are English-language only.