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Religion Resources

Overview of library resources to support the curriculum of the Department of Religion

Finding Articles

Periodicals include popular magazines, newspapers, and academic journals. These may contain scholarly articles, reviews, news, or criticism. Remember, you can always contact us to help find what you need. 

Click on the link below to find a small selection of academic journals relating to religion: 

Religion Journals

Multidisciplinary Databases

Religion Databases

Requesting Articles Through Interlibrary Loan

Typically, if we have access to an article, you will be able to download a PDF copy of it or read it in your browser. If you come across an article that we don't have access to, you can always request it using our Interlibrary Loan service. If you haven't created an account for ILL, email to sign up. 

Search for an item in libraries near you: >>

*Items you find in WorldCat will most likely need to be requested via Interlibrary Loan.