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What's Happening at the Library

Requesting Library Purchases

by Amanda Raab on 2024-07-01T11:21:00-04:00 | 0 Comments

Are you not finding what you need on the library shelf? Let us know!

All faculty, staff, and students can request items for the library to purchase for the circulating collection with this form:

Resource Request Form

A link to the form is also available on the website's homepage under the tab "Request Resources," and on the Student Services and Faculty/Staff Services pages.

If you are an instructor and have a longer list of requests or otherwise can't access the form, please contact your department's library liaison for assistance.

If you are not an instructor and/or you have other questions about purchasing for the collection, contact librarians: 

  • Amanda Raab, who manages acquisitions for print books and ebooks:
  • Melissa Hill, who manages acquisitions for periodicals, databases, and streaming resources:

If you want something on the shelf by the first day of fall classes, please get your order in as soon as possible, as availability and shipping times can change quickly. 

Please contact us if you have questions!


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