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What's Happening at the Library

New! and Expiring Electronic Resources

by Amanda Raab on 2023-06-07T14:22:43-04:00 | 0 Comments

Expiring Resources

On June 30, there will be some changes to OWU Libraries' electronic resources. We will lose access to

  • Gale in Context: Elementary (formerly Kids Infobits)
  • RILM abstracts of music literature
  • Transparent Language Online


Change in Access

During the pandemic, many of our content providers provided expanded access to their content, including JSTOR. This expanded access to JSTOR content will end June 30. OWU continues to subscribe to several JSTOR packages, so much of the content will remain available. 


New Resources

On July 1, we will have access to ProQuest CultureGrams (more info here), a leading reference resource for reliable cultural information on the countries of the world.

Need help with access? Contact us!

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